Low level API

Higher level parsing

Typically this is called via:

>>> import requirements
>>> requirements.parse('django>=1.5')
requirements.parser.parse(reqstr: Union[str, TextIO]) → Iterator[requirements.requirement.Requirement][source]

Parse a requirements file into a list of Requirements

See: pip/req.py:parse_requirements()

Parameters:reqstr – a string or file like object containing requirements
Returns:a generator of Requirement objects

Lower level parsing

Under the hood, the Requirement class does most of the heavy lifting.

class requirements.requirement.Requirement(line: str)[source]

Represents a single requirement

Typically instances of this class are created with Requirement.parse. For local file requirements, there’s no verification that the file exists. This class attempts to be dict-like.

See: http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/logic.html


  • line - the actual requirement line being parsed
  • editable - a boolean whether this requirement is “editable”
  • local_file - a boolean whether this requirement is a local file/path
  • specifier - a boolean whether this requirement used a requirement specifier (eg. “django>=1.5” or “requirements”)
  • vcs - a string specifying the version control system
  • revision - a version control system specifier
  • name - the name of the requirement
  • uri - the URI if this requirement was specified by URI
  • subdirectory - the subdirectory fragment of the URI
  • path - the local path to the requirement
  • hash_name - the type of hashing algorithm indicated in the line
  • hash - the hash value indicated by the requirement line
  • extras - a list of extras for this requirement (eg. “mymodule[extra1, extra2]”)
  • specs - a list of specs for this requirement (eg. “mymodule>1.5,<1.6” => [(‘>’, ‘1.5’), (‘<’, ‘1.6’)])
classmethod parse(line: str) → requirements.requirement.Requirement[source]

Parses a Requirement from a line of a requirement file.

Parameters:line – a line of a requirement file
Returns:a Requirement instance for the given line
Raises:ValueError on an invalid requirement
classmethod parse_editable(line: str) → requirements.requirement.Requirement[source]

Parses a Requirement from an “editable” requirement which is either a local project path or a VCS project URI.

See: pip/req.py:from_editable()

Parameters:line – an “editable” requirement
Returns:a Requirement instance for the given line
Raises:ValueError on an invalid requirement
classmethod parse_line(line: str) → requirements.requirement.Requirement[source]

Parses a Requirement from a non-editable requirement.

See: pip/req.py:from_line()

Parameters:line – a “non-editable” requirement
Returns:a Requirement instance for the given line
Raises:ValueError on an invalid requirement

Misc functions

requirements.parse(reqstr: Union[str, TextIO]) → Iterator[requirements.requirement.Requirement][source]

Parse a requirements file into a list of Requirements

See: pip/req.py:parse_requirements()

Parameters:reqstr – a string or file like object containing requirements
Returns:a generator of Requirement objects